Why should I join First Baptist Church Helotes?
Because you were created for connection! While that’s obvious from God’s design for the family, it is equally true for God’s design for the church family. In Acts 2:41, the Bible records that after the New Testament church was established, those who accepted the good news of salvation in Jesus Christ were baptized and “added to their number that day”. In other words, once a person surrenders their life to Christ and follows Him in a public profession of their faith (through baptism) the next step is to formally become part of a local church. Becoming a formal member of our church allows you to maximize the gifts God has given you in service for God’s Kingdom. It also connects you into a deeper journey of worship, fellowship, and discipleship with the Body of Christ.
How can I join First Baptist Church Helotes?
If the Lord is leading you to consider membership in our church, please fill out and submit the information below (which you can also find in our Connect Cards in our church pews) and our church will contact you to arrange a visit regarding church membership. You can then be introduced and welcomed into church membership at the end of a worship service. Or, simply respond to the invitation at the conclusion of any worship service, speak to one of our pastors, and we will then introduce you to the church and welcome you into membership.
There are 3 simple pathways to join our church:
Joining by statement - If you have already trusted Christ as your Savior and followed Him in baptism by immersion, and are part of a like-minded church that is not part of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC), you can simply join by “statement”
Joining by transfer of letter – If you are already a member of another SBC church, you can simply transfer your “letter” (membership) to our church.
Joining by baptism – If you have trusted Christ as your Savior, but have never followed him in baptism by immersion, we would invite you to be baptized which formally and simultaneously brings you into membership in our church.
If you have any questions about this process, or most importantly what it means to develop a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, please connect with us. We’d love to have a conversation with you.