James Covey, Senior Pastor

I am the Senior Pastor at First Baptist Church – Helotes.  Jesus saved me as a 19-year-old college student and called me into full-time, vocational ministry four years later.  After serving the local church for a decade, the Lord then called me into military ministry after the events of September 11, 2001. After concluding twenty-two years of service as an active-duty Army Chaplain, the Lord has called me back to the local church and I began this new season of ministry at FBC Helotes July 1, 2024.  My wife Annette and I have been married for thirty years and the Lord has blessed us with three beautiful daughters.  I am a graduate of the University of Texas (BS 1990), Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (MDiv 1997), and Columbus State University (MS 2012). 

I love every moment with Annette binge watching shows and enjoying cooking, music, exercise, or whatever life brings us each day. However, our greatest passion is serving the Lord and His Church.  What a blessing to serve Him together!

Steve Davila, Worship Pastor

I am the Worship Pastor at First Baptist Church - Helotes. I have served in vocational worship ministry for over 25 years. This ministry includes serving in local churches as well as leading worship for various retreats, conferences, and conventions across the country.
My wife, Kristin, and I have been married 30 years, and have two children, Andrea and Ashton. We moved to San Antonio in 2005. I like sweets, breakfast tacos, and a good steak! I love spending time with my family, working on cars, and making music in the studio. We are honored and blessed to be a part of the FBC Helotes church family!

Jim Williams, Discipleship Pastor

I am Pastor of discipleship at First Baptist Church - Helotes. I have been at the church since June 2023 ministering to all age groups. I have degrees from Stephen F. Austin State University and Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.
     I accepted Christ as Lord and Savior at the age of 17 and accepted God’s call to ministry while on Summer Missions at age 21. I have been married to my beautiful wife Kathy for over 33 years and we have lived in San Antonio and since 2007. I enjoy hanging out with family and friends, also fishing, hunting, woodworking, landscaping and grilling/smoking.

Kristin Davila, Children’s Ministry Director

I am the Children’s Ministry Director at First Baptist Church - Helotes. I have served kids and families for many years, both in public, private and homeschool. I love being a mom and friend to my 2 grown children, and a wife to my wonderful husband for 30 years. I am a certified teacher and have an education degree from University of Texas of San Antonio and have almost 2 completed degrees in Christian Ministry and Piano Performance.

I love spending quality time with my family and special friends! I love music, Texas bluebonnets, coffee, nature, books, writing, studying God’s Word and doing anything that’s FUN! I love Jesus and growing an army of kids who love Him too! Best job in the world.

Steve Hammock, Student Pastor

I am the Student Pastor at First Baptist Church- Helotes. I answered God’s call to ministry in 2005. I took on my first volunteer position as Youth Director in 2006 at First Baptist Church of North Channel- Houston, Tx. I was licensed and ordained in 2011.  As Youth Director, I lead Student Missions, working with many churches in South Texas as well as the Cherokee Nation in Oklahoma, under the leadership of my Senior Pastor Ken Durham.

I married my wife Diana in 2011. When our daughter Catherine was born, we packed up and moved to the small town of Alice, Texas. We joined Emmanuel Baptist and immediately began working with the Youth and the young adult group. I was voted in as Camp Director for Vision Youth. I served as director for several years. This position also gave me responsibilities as Youth Director for the Spanish association churches of Jim Wells and Jim Hogg counties.

In 2017, we moved from Alice, Tx to San Antonio. After many months searching for a church and a place to serve, we landed in Helotes. It’s been a blessing to work with both college and young adults, as well as our current Student Ministry. I serve with a great Deacon body, Worship team, Youth team and Church staff. I am honored to work with the wonderful parents and grandparents of our student ministry. You all deserve a standing ovation!!

My desire, drive and calling are to see young people come to know Jesus. In addition, watching those young believers serve and disciple others. It’s a tremendous blessing and privilege to be a part of God’s family and this church. Semper Fi~